
Using ml4ir as a library


  • python3.{6,7} (tf2.0.3 is not available for python3.8)
  • pip3

ml4ir can be installed as a pip package by using the following command

pip install ml4ir

This will install ml4ir-0.1.3 (the current version) from PyPI.

To install optional dependencies like pygraphviz, use the following command:

pip3 install ml4ir[visualization]

To use pre-built pipelines that come with ml4ir, make sure to install it as follows (this installs pyspark and pygraphviz as well)

pip install ml4ir[all]

Using ml4ir as a toolkit or contributing to ml4ir

Firstly, clone ml4ir

git clone

You can use and develop on ml4ir either using docker or virtualenv

Virtual Environment


  • python3.{6,7} (tf2.0.3 is not available for python3.8)
  • pip3

Change the working directory to the python package

cd path/to/ml4ir/python/

Install virtualenv

pip3 install virtualenv

Create new python3 virtual environment inside your git repo (it’s .gitignored, don’t worry)

python3 -m venv env/.ml4ir_venv3

Activate virtualenv

source env/.ml4ir_venv3/bin/activate

Install all dependencies

pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to the python package


For more information in pygraphviz and its prerequisites, refer to pygraphviz documentation

Contributing to ml4ir

  • Install python dependencies from the build-requirements.txt to setup the dependencies required for pre-commit hooks.
  • pre-commit-hooks are required, and installed as a requirement for contributing to ml4ir. If an error results that they didn’t install, execute pre-commit install to install git hooks in your .git/ directory.

Running Tests

To run all the python based tests under ml4ir

Using docker

docker-compose up

Using virtualenv

python3 -m pytest

To run specific tests,

python3 -m pytest /path/to/test/module