Using ml4ir as a toolkit


ml4ir comes packaged with pre-defined configurable pipelines for popular search ML tasks. Currently, ml4ir supports the following tasks.

Learning to Rank

Learning to Rank(LTR) is the task of learning an ranking function that finds the most optimal ordering of a list of documents for a given query to improve relevance. Each document is represented in the dataset as a feature set computed for the query-document pair. The labels for this task can either be graded relevance values defined for the list of records in a query or a binary click/no-click label.


In the sample ranking data above, each row represents a query-document pair of features. Features like query_text, domain_name are common across documents. Whereas features like record_text, popularity_score, quality_score are unique to each document. In this example, we learn a ranking function using binary clicks as the label. The state of the art LTR models of today rely on listwise losses and complex groupwise scoring functions.

To train and evaluate a learning to rank model, use the predefined RankingPipeline.

Query Classification

Query Classification is the task of classifying a given user query into a set of predefined categories. Additional features such as user context, domain of query can be used to personalize the predictions.


In the sample query classification data above, each row represents a user query. We try to predict the product_group category using the query_text, domain_name and previous_products. These features define the user’s context at the time of querying and also the actual query text made by the user. This type of query classification can be used to further narrow down search results and enhance the user search experience.

To train and evaluate a learning to rank model, use the predefined ClassificationPipeline.

Custom Pipeline

To define your own custom ml4ir pipeline, you can override the RelevancePipeline** to plug in the RelevanceModel you want to train and evaluate.

Command Line Arguments

Name Type Default Description
–data_dir <class ‘str’> None Path to the data directory to be used for training and inference. Can optionally include train/ val/ and test/ subdirectories. If subdirectories are not present, data will be split based on train_pcent_split
–data_format <class ‘str’> tfrecord Format of the data to be used. Should be one of the Data format keys in ml4ir/config/
–tfrecord_type <class ‘str’> example TFRecord type of the data to be used. Should be one of the TFRecord type keys in ml4ir/config/
–feature_config <class ‘str’> None Path to YAML file or YAML string with feature metadata for training.
–model_file <class ‘str’>   Path to a pretrained model to load for either resuming training or for running ininference mode.
–model_config <class ‘str’> ml4ir/base/conf ig/default_mode l_config.yaml Path to the Model config YAML used to build the model architecture.
–optimizer_key <class ‘str’> adam Optimizer to use. Has to be one of the optimizers in OptimizerKey under ml4ir/config/
–loss_key <class ‘str’> None Loss to optimize. Has to be one of the losses in LossKey under ml4ir/config/
–metrics_keys <class ‘str’> None Metric to compute. Can be a list. Has to be one of the metrics in MetricKey under ml4ir/config/
–monitor_metric <class ‘str’> None Metric name to use for monitoring training loop in callbacks. Must be one MetricKey under ml4ir/config/
–monitor_mode <class ‘str’> None Metric mode to use for monitoring training loop in callbacks
–num_epochs <class ‘int’> 5 Max number of training epochs(or full pass over the data)
–batch_size <class ‘int’> 128 Number of data samples to use per batch.
–learning_rate <class ‘float’> 0.01 Step size (e.g.: 0.01)
–learning_rate_decay <class ‘float’> 1.0 Decay rate for the learning rate.Check for more info -> i_docs/python/tf/keras/optimizers/schedule s/ExponentialDecay
–learning_rate_decay_steps <class ‘int’> 10000000 Decay rate for the learning rate.Check for more info -> i_docs/python/tf/keras/optimizers/schedule s/ExponentialDecay
–compute_intermediate_stats <class ‘bool’> True Whether to compute intermediate stats on test set (mrr, acr, etc) (slow)
–execution_mode <class ‘str’> train_inference _evaluate Execution mode for the pipeline. Should be one of ExecutionModeKey
–random_state <class ‘int’> 123 Initialize the seed to control randomness for replication
–run_id <class ‘str’>   Unique string identifier for the current training run. Used to identify logs and models directories. Autogenerated if not specified.
–run_group <class ‘str’> general Unique string identifier to group multiple model training runs. Allows for defining a meta grouping to filter different model training runs for best model selection as a post step.
–run_notes <class ‘str’>   Notes for the current training run. Use this argument to add short description of the model training run that helps in identifying the run later.
–models_dir <class ‘str’> models/ Path to save the model. Will be expanded to models_dir/run_id
–logs_dir <class ‘str’> logs/ Path to save the training/inference logs. Will be expanded to logs_dir/run_id
–checkpoint_model <class ‘bool’> True Whether to save model checkpoints at the end of each epoch. Recommended - set to True
–train_pcent_split <class ‘float’> 0.8 Percentage of all data to be used for training. The remaining is used for validation and testing. Remaining data is split in half if val_pcent_split or test_pcent_split are not specified. Note: Currently not supported
–val_pcent_split <class ‘float’> -1 Percentage of all data to be used for testing. Note: Currently not supported
–test_pcent_split <class ‘float’> -1 Percentage of all data to be used for testing. Note: Currently not supported
–max_sequence_size <class ‘int’> 0 Maximum number of elements per sequence feature.
–inference_signature <class ‘str’> serving_default SavedModel signature to be used for inference
–use_part_files <class ‘bool’> False Whether to look for part files while loading data
–logging_frequency <class ‘int’> 25 How often to log results to log file. Int representing number of batches.
–group_metrics_min_queries <class ‘int’> None Minimum number of queries per group to be used to computed groupwise metrics.
–gradient_clip_value <class ‘float’> 5.0 Gradient clipping value/threshold for the optimizer.
–compile_keras_model <class ‘bool’> False Whether to compile a loaded SavedModel into a Keras model. NOTE: This requires that the SavedModel’s architecture, loss, metrics, etc are the same as the RankingModelIf that is not the case, then you can still use a SavedModel from a model_file for inference/evaluation only
–use_all_fields_at_inference <class ‘bool’> False Whether to require all fields in the serving signature of the SavedModel. If set to False, only requires fields with required_only=True
–pad_sequence_at_inference <class ‘bool’> False Whether to pad sequence at inference time. Used to define the TFRecord serving signature in the SavedModel
–output_name <class ‘str’> relevance_score Name of the output node of the model
–early_stopping_patience <class ‘int’> 2 How many epochs to wait before early stopping on metric degradation
–file_handler <class ‘str’> local String specifying the file handler to be used. Should be one of FileHandler keys in ml4ir/base/config/
–initialize_layers_dict <class ‘str’> {} Dictionary of pretrained layers to be loaded.The key is the name of the layer to be assigned the pretrained weights.The value is the path to the pretrained weights.
–freeze_layers_list <class ‘str’> [] List of layer names that are to be frozen instead of training.Usually coupled with initialize_layers_dict to load pretrained weights and freeze them

Usage Examples

Learning to Rank

Using TFRecord input data

python ml4ir/applications/ranking/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/tfrecord \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--run_id test \
--data_format tfrecord \
--execution_mode train_inference_evaluate

Using CSV input data

python ml4ir/applications/ranking/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/csv \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--run_id test \
--data_format csv \
--execution_mode train_inference_evaluate

Running in inference mode using the default serving signature

python ml4ir/applications/ranking/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/tfrecord \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--run_id test \
--data_format tfrecord \
--model_file `pwd`/models/test/final/default \
--execution_mode inference_only

Training a simple 1 layer linear ranking model

python ml4ir/applications/ranking/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/tfrecord \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/configs/linear_model/feature_config.yaml \
--model_config ml4ir/applications/ranking/tests/data/configs/linear_model/model_config.yaml \
--run_id test \
--data_format tfrecord \
--execution_mode train_inference_evaluate

Query Classification

Using TFRecord

python ml4ir/applications/classification/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/tfrecord \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--model_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/model_config.yaml \
--batch_size 32 \
--run_id test \
--data_format tfrecord \
--execution_mode train_inference_evaluate

Using CSV

python ml4ir/applications/classification/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/csv \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--model_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/model_config.yaml \
--batch_size 32 \
--run_id test \
--data_format csv \
--execution_mode train_inference_evaluate

Running in inference mode using the default serving signature

python ml4ir/applications/classification/ \
--data_dir ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/tfrecord \
--feature_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/feature_config.yaml \
--model_config ml4ir/applications/classification/tests/data/configs/model_config.yaml \
--batch_size 32 \
--run_id test \
--data_format tfrecord \
--model_file `pwd`/models/test/final/default \
--execution_mode inference_only